
The Four Key areas listed below are only the first foot falls on the path that I believe our Tribe needs to follow toward successful evolution.  

  1. Focus on enhancing the Government Structure,
  2. Tribal Council engagement,
  3. Seeking diverse Economic Development opportunities, and
  4. Public Relations/Community Outreach


With honest dedication to the completion of each of these processes and proper implementation of these plans we can achieve these outcomes: Our People will feel a greater sense of pride and ownership of their government; Our Tribal Leadership will gain an enhanced understanding of, and focus while serving in, their governance role; Our Community partners will better understand us, which will allow us to have better opportunities to work together, and the General Public will be less likely to believe the less-than-positive information that is regularly circulated about our Tribe and it’s government operations.

If you agree with the general vision I have outlined here and see how our government can work, If you understand that you have a stake in the future direction of our Tribe and If you believe that you can see a partner, in me, to make this journey then I ask you for your vote and support in the 2013 election for Tribal Chairman.

Understand the Issues we Face

1.    Focus on enhancing the Government Structure:

  • Work with Tribal Council to set a vision providing Tribal Administration goals and a new Strategic Plan
  • ​Work with Tribal Administration to revise and strengthen policies providing clearer guidance to be applied equitably to the parties they affect
  • ​Develop a new Diplomatic strategy for the tribal government to increase understanding of our Tribe, combat the negative stereotypes we face, and improve our relationships

Creating a clear Vision and Strategic Plan will go a long way towards inspiring a sharper focus for the efforts of the Tribal Administration. This process is the foundation necessary to build a stronger and efficient Tribal government.  It will also ensure that the Tribal Council’s time and energy is continually dedicated to forward progress, that Tribal Council’s direction is heard by the people who work hard for us, and will ultimately create a structure of accountability that will keep our feet firmly on the path we lay out together.


2.    Tribal Council engagement:

  • Draw clearer lines between the management side of the Tribal Administration and Tribal Leadership
  • Clarify the Roles and Responsibilities of Tribal Leadership to sharpen the focus of our government’s efforts

This process will allow Tribal Council to assess the processes that they are currently required to engage in, and enable the Tribal leadership to set boundaries delineating between leadership activities and purely management responsibilities. This meaningful activity will free up time which can be re-purposed more effectively.  It is important that the Tribal Council take ownership of this process, so their elected role in the governance of the Tribe is respected and each member of the Tribal Council gains clarity of purpose for conducting the People’s work.

3.    Seeking diverse Economic Development opportunities:

  • Focus additional resources on business development through the Aquinnah Wampanoag Enterprises corporation to create business successes for the Tribe and portray us as viable entrepreneurs when we seek larger projects
  • Utilize existing development resources such as the WTGH(A) Land Use Master Plan
  • ​Continue to support and pursue our rights to develop an appropriate gaming facility through the Aquinnah Wampanoag Gaming Corporation

The Tribal government has already worked hard to establish corporate structures and complete planning processes to provide a vision for the Tribe’s evolution.  In some cases, a great deal of time and money has been expended to complete these endeavors.  It is extremely important that we honor that work and continue to strive toward achieving multiple successes for the Tribe. The Tribal Council is elected to represent the interests of the Tribal Membership; however, it is the Tribal Leadership’s responsibility to ensure that the People understand the direction that Tribe is moving in and that the work is truly considered appropriate by the population being served.  Leaders need “buy in” from the membership in order to verify that we are not working in contradiction to the People’s vision. The education process ensures that the Represented and the Representatives are not working in opposing directions.   

4.    Public Relations/Community Outreach:

  • Focus on Tribal member engagement to combat negative views of tribal involvement and increase community cohesion
  • ​Develop a Public relations strategy that will support the Tribal Diplomatic strategy to engage the Town of Aquinnah, the Island Community, The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Tribes within our Region and other ally Tribes, and the Federal government

Education of the Tribal Membership and Communities that we intend to work in is a key to true success.  When the Tribe is working toward its identified goals, it is extremely important that the information that enters the public domain is generated from the Tribal perspective as much as possible.  All too often, our fellow Tribal Members, our community partners and general public are the recipients of negative messages or misinformation about the Tribe’s efforts and situation.  An informed Tribal public is the first line of defense at the grassroots level.  Simultaneously, creating closer relationships and communicating with our community partners in an expanding network will help us to defeat the messages of our detractors before they have a chance to negatively affect our efforts or own our story.